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A. Bengoetxea - P. D'Ans - J. Foucart - M. Schetgen - A. Spinewinne - L. Di Biagi - F. Defraine - M. Karam - J. Mellier - Q. Vanderhofstadt

ULB, UCLouvain, Université de Montréal
" OBJ: 1) Observe interprofessional and interorganisational collaboration "in the making" in crisis situation: how professional groups organize and collaborate (within and between professional groups) in different organizational contexts (liberal practice, primary care delivery services, hospitals, nursing homes, etc.) especially for vulnerable groups. 2) Analyse the role of regulatory bodies governmental agencies, professional associations) in managing healthcare professions and interprofessional collaboration in crisis situations 3)Improving future care and the resilience of health systems METH: Collection and analysis of documents (instructions, tools, etc.), qualitative interviews, in situ observations. Developing Grounded theory "
Funding: Research team is part of BeHive - Interdisciplinary primary care Chair, funded by the King Baudouin Foundation (Fund Dr. Daniel De Coninck)
Contact: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Adélaïde de Heering, Post-doctoral Fellow


Sphère publique, sphère privée : Impact du port du masque sur la reconnaissance des personnes et de l'expression émotionnelle de leur visage. " Le déconfinement approche. Bientôt la population belge sillonnera à nouveau les rues, les transports et l'ensemble de l'espace public mais munie de masques. Quels retentissements sur la capacité des personnes à en reconnaître d'autres sur base de leur visage et à en extraire l'expression émotionnelle ? Sera-t-on toujours capable de juger, de manière efficace, de l'intention d'autrui à notre égard même si cette dernière porte un masque ? A tous les âges ? Ou, au contraire, a-t-on raison d'avoir la suspicion que le port du masque pourrait nous empêcher de reconnaître quelqu'un sur base de son visage et d'en lire les émotions de manière efficace ? "
Publication References: de Heering, A., & Rossion, B. (2008). Prolonged Visual Experience in Adulthood Modulates Holistic Face Perception. PlosOne, 3(5): e2317. de Heering, A., &amp...

Annick Sartenaer, Full Professor - Alexandre Mauroy, Professor - Nicolas Franco, Ph. D. - Sébastien Clesse, Ph. D.- Morgane Dumont, Ph.D. Student

UNamur - FNRS
" Professors and researches from the Department of Mathematics and the naXys research institute of complex systems at UNamur gathered their skills and expertise in mathematical modeling, dynamic systems, statistics, control theory and numerical optimization to develop prediction and unlockdown monitoring models of the Covid-19 epidemic. They set up a consortium in mathematical modeling of the Covid-19 epidemic bringing together all the universities of the Wallonia Brussels Federation, in synergy with its equivalent in Flanders. "
Contact: Annick Sartenaer (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) Alexandre Mauroy (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) Nicolas Franco (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) Sébastien Clesse (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) Morgane Dumont (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)

Damien BERTRAND, Business Development Officer

" Research projects : contributions to research projects with academics and hospital representatives (-omics data investigations, biomarkers and multi-marker indicators, stratification of populations, predictive models for diagnosis/prognosis, ... Development / production capabilities: internal processes and quality system compatible with ISO.13485 (medical devices). Skills and expertise: data sciences, machine learning and other technologies from artificial intelligence; statistics, bio-IT; model encapsulation into software, mobile apps or web platforms "
Funding: Prestations sub-contracted by lead researchers, or partnerships through regional/EU projects with public funding.
Publication References: Complete list on www.dnalytics.com/publications/ 
Contact : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Delphine Dauby, Fablab Manager - Elodie Verlinden, Logisticienne de Recherches

" Production de visières à destination du personnel soignant en collaboration avec le Fablab ULB et le Your Lab. Plans en open source. - Mise en place d'une carte interactive des entreprises oeuvrant dans la lutte contre le covid-19 en collaboration avec le Fablab de Mons et le Fablab Wapi. Objectif de la carte : la mise en valeur des opérateurs économiques. - prototypage de pièces en 3D à la demande des hôpitaux - Prototypage de parois séparatrices en plexi (plan en open source) "
Contact: Fab-C Fablab Charleroi Métropole This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. fablab-charleroi.be faceshield-fabc.be

Eugen Pircalabelu, Professor

" The project we propose here focuses directly on modeling the evolution of the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic. The strategy we use is based on a mix of parametric and non-parametric models with the direct purpose of making short-term predictions of the immediate effects of the virus, as well medium-term forecasts of the evolution of the virus in the population. It provides new methodological aspects that combine the flexibility of non and semi-parametric statistical models with deterministic epidemiological models in order to build new, better statistical models that take into account this information regarding the life of the virus in the population. "
Funding: Planning on applying for the "Projets Exceptionnels de Recherche" at FNRS for mid-may.
Publication References: Not yet available
Contact: Eugen Pircalabelu Institute of Statistics, Biostatistics and Actuarial Sciences ISBA – LIDAM UCLouvain Voie du Roman Pays 20, 1348 Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium...

Glenn Magerman, Professor - Mathias Dewatripont, Professor - Bram De Rock, Professor

" Learning from the curve is a voluntary and open source research project on COVID-19 and economics. It is a joint initiative of researchers in economics at ECARES, Solvay, ULB. Our mission is to provide detailed and real-time information and visualizations on COVID-19 and economics for the general public and the press, to serve as a platform for research collaboration on these topics, to understand the impact of COVID-19 on the economic tissue of countries and regions, to provide policy recommendations based on scientific arguments supported by data analytics. Learning from the curve started as a voluntary effort of faculty and students in empirical economics at ECARES. We are also very grateful for funding from the Special COVID-19 ULB grant. None of this would be possible without either. We call data from various sources, which are referenced in the respective dashboards and articles. We provide data sources and code on our Github organization. All publicly available data, code...

Jean Ruelle, Dr. - Anaïs Scohy, Clinical biologist - Benoît Kabamba, Pr.

" Thanks to high-throughput sequencing of the strains collected for the diagnosis, we document the viral spread within health care facilities. A better understanding of the virus transmission chains are key to evaluate the efficacy of hygiene measures that were implemented to avoid cross-contamination between patients and health care workers. A secondary objective is the analysis of clinical data related to the patients, in order to search genotypic differences that may possibly explain divergent pathogenic courses. "
Funding: Own funding, submitted calls.
Contact: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., PhD Chercheur qualifié at UCLouvain/IREC/MBLG This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., Clinical biologist at Cliniques universitaires St-Luc This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., Professor UCLouvain/Cliniques universitaires St-Luc

O. Vandenberg, Pr. - N. Clumeck, Pr. - C. Montesinos, Pr. - N. Dauby, MD, PhD - C. Gilles, MD - C. Martin, MD - S. Van den Wijngaert, MD - A. Marchant, Pr. - D. Martiny, Pr. - S. De Wit, Pr.

LHUB-ULB - Royal Academy of Medicine of Belgium
" "The purpose of this study is to map the healthcare workers exposure risk in Saint-Pierre University Hospital by combining molecular methods with serological assays. In summary, the short-term objective is threefold: (1) Provide an estimate of the sero-prevalence at baseline among high-risk health care workers (2) Determine prospectively the incidence of new SARS-CoV-2 infections among high-risk health care workers (3) Estimate the healthcare worker exposure to the virus by serological data to help our five partner hospitals in their day-to-day management of the ongoing pandemic The mid-term objectives are: (1) Establish an accurate mapping of the spread of the virus among our population allowing to identify the chain of transmission, (2) Identify predictive immunological markers of susceptibility to infection and disease severity to inform vaccine strategies and, (3) Establish solid diagnosis algorithm that will help adequate lockdown...

Orianne BASTIN - Olivier DEBEIR - Rudy ERCEK- Ken HASSELMANN - Jean LANDERCY - Antoine NONCLERCQ - Michel OSEE - Francois QUITIN

" We are developing a prototype, upon the request of Médecins Sans Frontières | MSF Belgique, with aim to monitor key parameters of a patient's health - levels of oxygen saturation in the blood, heart rate and temperature - in order to detect a potential covid19 infection, and to adapt the patient care accordingly. The prototype is wearable, battery powered, and send its data wirelessly. In this regard, the patient can be remotely monitored. "
Funding: Own funds
Publication References: None.
Contact: Primary contact: Antoine Nonclercq - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ULB BEAMS (Oriane Bastin - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. & Ken Hasselmann - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. & Antoine Nonclercq - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. & Michel Osée - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. & François Quitin - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) ULB LISA (Olivier Debeir - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. & Rudy Ercek - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) ULB Smart Campus (Jean Landercy - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)

Timoteo Carletti, Full Professor

" Understanding the evolution of the epidemic spreading using simple mathematical models to overcome of the biaises in the data "
Funding: UNamur
Publication References: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/340610501_UPDATE_Italy_now_two_weeks_past_the_peak
Contact: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Virginie Montiel, Professor

" To confirm endothelial dysfunction in severe covid-19 patients admitted in Intensive Care Unit "
Funding: actually private; but waiting answer for credit urgent de recherche by FNRS
Publication References: 1) Manoury B, Montiel V, Balligand JL (2012). Nitric oxide synthase in post-ischaemic remodelling: New pathways and mechanisms. Cardiovascular Research, 94(2), 304-315. 2) Montiel V, Leon Gomez E, Bouzin C, Esfahani H, Romero Perez M, Lobysheva I, Balligand JL (2014). Genetic deletion of aquaporin-1 results in microcardia and low blood pressure in mouse with intact nitric oxide-dependent relaxation, but enhanced prostanoids-dependent relaxation. Pflugers Archiv European Journal of Physiology, 466(2), 237-251. 3) Montiel V, Robinson E, Bella R, Michel L, Esfahani H, De Mulder D, Deglasse JP, Jonas JC, Steinhorn B, Michel T, Beauloye C, Bertrand L, Farah C, Dei Zotti F, Bouzin C, Brusa D, Bergmann O, Gilis D, Rooman M, Roderick L, Devuyst O, Balligand JL. Cardiac...

Wim Laurier, Chargé de cours

" The pharmaceutical industry is confronted with many different issues at the levels of logistics and supply chain management. Traceability is a paramount in the pharmaceutical sector. It is not only essential to ensure the quality of the product, but also, it is required to trace possible adverse reactions back to a given lot of drug product, its manufacturing and control. Traceability needs to be addressed at three stages. First, the source (supplier) and origin (e.g. chemical, microbiological, animal, human…) of raw and starting materials must be identified. These materials must be tested and found compliant with compendial requirements. Second, traceability must be ensured in-house, throughout the all manufacturing process, from starting materials to the drug product, through the drug substance and all intermediates. Third, traceability should be ensured downstream, from lot release by the company to patient's administration. Traceability within the industry (stage 2) is...

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Rue d’Egmont 5

B - 1000 Bruxelles

Tél : +32 2 504 92 11


Brussels & Wallonia against COVID19