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Christina Schmidt, Chercheuse qualifiée FNRS - Christine Bastin, Chercheuse qualifiée FNRS - Fabienne Collette, Directrice de recherches FNRS

" "La situation de confinement que nous traversons en raison de la crise sanitaire actuelle est une situation inédite, pouvant avoir un impact sur la charge mentale, la fatigue ressentie au quotidien ainsi que la qualité de notre sommeil. Le confinement modifie aussi plusieures dimensions susceptibles d'impacter la qualité des souvenirs autobiographiques. Le nombre et la variété des loisirs diminuent, le contexte des journées change peu et nous avons moins de contacts avec des personnes variées. Par ailleurs, la menace du virus peut modifier notre vision de l'avenir, avec l'impression qu'on pourrait avoir moins de temps à vivre qu'on le pensait (Cartensen, 2006). Nos souvenirs autobiographiques de la période avant le confinement et d'événements vécus pendant le confinement pourraient être modifiés en termes de degré d'épisodicité et de valence émotionnelle. Le projet est réalisé sous forme d'un questionnaire en ligne et vise généralement à explorer une association entre la...

Claude Tomberg, Professor - Sophie Pellon, PHD Student - Claire Drogoz-Villegas, Clinical psychologist

ULB - Royal Academy of Sciences, Letters and Fine Arts of Belgium
" Our study aims to investigate the impact on mental health and well-being of the people during the containment due to COVID-19 pandemic. More specifically some factors are analyzed such as animal ownership and the practice of artistic activities. An online survey was developped including validated psychological scales. "
Funding: Fondation Prince Laurent
Publication References: The results are currently under statistical analysis
Contact : Claude TOMBERG: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Sophie PELLON : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Claire Drogoz-Villegas : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. http://cognit.ulb.be/wordpress/ 
Comment: This research has been accepted by the Ethics committee Erasme Hospital (April 17, 2020)

Delphine Dauby, Fablab Manager - Elodie Verlinden, Logisticienne de Recherches

" Production de visières à destination du personnel soignant en collaboration avec le Fablab ULB et le Your Lab. Plans en open source. - Mise en place d'une carte interactive des entreprises oeuvrant dans la lutte contre le covid-19 en collaboration avec le Fablab de Mons et le Fablab Wapi. Objectif de la carte : la mise en valeur des opérateurs économiques. - prototypage de pièces en 3D à la demande des hôpitaux - Prototypage de parois séparatrices en plexi (plan en open source) "
Contact: Fab-C Fablab Charleroi Métropole This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. fablab-charleroi.be faceshield-fabc.be

Grégoire Lits, Professor - Louise-Amélie Cougnon, Doctor - Alexandre Heeren, FNRS Research Associate - Bernard Hanseeuw, Professor

UCLouvain - FNRS
" Our interdisciplinary project (communication science, psychology, medical science) aims at measuring the evolution of the Covid-19 infodemic in Belgium through quantitative surveys and qualitative interviews. One work package of the project focus on French-speaking Belgium only (three waves survey, interviews). Another work package covers all Belgium (two waves survey) as part of an international comparison project in 8 countries. "
Funding: None at the moment.

Publication References : ORM Research report (May 2020) : Analyse de « l’infodémie » de Covid-19 en Belgique francophone URL : https://osf.io/preprints/socarxiv/wsuj3/
Contact : Grégoire Lits, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. https://uclouvain.be/fr/instituts-recherche/ilc/ilc-covid-19.html

Gregory Ponthiere, Professor

" This research project aims at studying the conditions under which the modern welfare state could build a kind of epidemics insurance, while paying a particular attention to the issue of fairness. The global objective of saving lives may be associated to policies that have undesirable distributive effects, against ideals of social justice. The project aims at finding ways to make mass prevention and equity compatible. "
Funding: This project will be part of my research load at UCLouvain, within the Hoover Chair in Economic ans Social Ethics.
Publication References: Fleurbaey, M., Ponthiere, G. (2013). Prevention against Equality ? Journal of Public Economics. Fleurbaey, M., Leroux, ML, Ponthiere, G. (2014). Compensating the dead. Journal of Mathematical Economics. Fleurbaey, M., Leroux, ML., Pestieau, P., Ponthiere G. (2016). Fair retirement under risk lifetime. International Economic Review. Leroux, ML., Ponthiere, G. (2018). Working time regulations, unequal lifetime and...

Guy Jerusalem, Professor

CHU Liege/ULiège
" La nouvelle pandémie COVID-19 modifie la prise en charge des patients oncologiques. Le premier objectif de notre projet est d'étudier la sécurité de la poursuite des traitements systémiques anti-tumoraux dans le contexte actuel de pandémie. Le deuxième objectif est de comprendre les inquiétudes et les ressentis de nos patients par rapport au risque d'attraper l'infection et leurs conséquences. Le troisième objectif est d'évaluer le taux d'infection et de séroconversion asymptomatique chez nos patients en comparaison à la population globale. Le quatrième objectif est de mieux comprendre les raisons de détresse du personnel soignant en oncologie afin de mieux organiser des mesures de soutien psychologique. "
Funding: Fondation Leon Frederic Fonds propres Oncologie Médicale
Contact: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Isabelle Lambotte - Harmony Dussart - Sandrine Deplus - Isabelle Duret - Jessica Frippiat - Marianne Rotsaert - Julien Tiete - Claire Van Pevenage

Hôpital Universitaire des Enfants Reine Fabiola/HUDERF - CHU Bruxelles - ULB
" Children's mental health in Belgium during the Covid19 crisis
Abstract The impact of the Covid-19 crisis on children's emotional wellbeing: a comparative mixed-mode study between a group of children with at least one parent employed by a hospital and two other groups of children whose parents do not work for a hospital (one group whose parents are teleworking and another group whose parents are working in a setting that isn't a hospital setting). This study will be carried out by the psychology teams of the Huderf and the Hôpital Erasme in partnership with the child psychiatry department and the Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB). Background: In the Covid-19 pandemic context, concerns regarding physical health have naturally taken precedence over concerns regarding mental health. However, in the past, studies have shown that, in case of natural disasters, there is an increase in depressive symptoms...

Isabelle Lambotte, Psychologist, PhD - Mouna Al Husni, Doctor - Sandrine Deplus, Psychologist, PhD - Simone Marchini, Doctor- Joana Reis, Doctor - Anthony Deleeuw, Doctor - Véronique Delvenne, Professor

ULB Huderf
" Children's mental health in Belgium during the Covid19 crisis. Study of the child psychiatry department of the Queen Fabiola Children's University Hospital (Huderf, ULB). Background: In the covid19 pandemic context, physical health has taken the precedence over mental health while it is documented that, in case of natural disaster, depression symptoms, substance abuse, post-traumatic symptoms and domestic violence increase into the general population (e.g., Bland, O'Leary, Farinaro et al., 1996). The security measures to protect the population against covid19 contamination have changed our everyday life: physical distance or "social distance" modifies social relationships (Yip & Chau, 2020). The effect of these measures on children and adults can still not be estimated. Indeed, the anxious climate, maintained among other things by the media, has also a serious impact on the general population's mental health. In Belgium, a first study has showed that, in the...

Jean-Luc Belche, Chargé de cours

ULiège - Royal Academy of Medicine of Belgium
" Analysis, in Brussels and Wallonia, of creation, daily management, and use of triage COVID-19 centers as well as satisfaction, suggestions of personnel working in these centers in order to develop a model for further crisis. "
Funding: FNRS: Urgent research credit submitted Possible extension to Flanders.
Publication References: Belche JL, Berrewaerts MA, Burette P, Lenoir AL, Duchesnes C, Giet D. Retrospective analysis of a suburban out-of-hours clinic in Belgium. Acta Clinica Belgica 2014, 69(5):341-347. Buret L, Duchesnes C, Giet D. Des dispositifs d'intégration clinique pour les situations complexes : aide fonctionnelle et défi normatif. Presse Médicale 2017, 46(11) :1113-1114.
Contact: JeanLuc BELCHE. Département de Médecine générale, Université de Liège. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Comment: Promoteur : JeanLuc BELCHE Investigateur principal : Louise Joly Chercheurs associés : Béatrice Scholtès, Christiane Duchesnes Etudiante en médecine...

Jean-Marchal, Professeur Emeritus

ULiège - Royal Academy of Sciences, Letters and Fine Arts of Belgium
" "The skills in the field of transport-mobility concern the following elements: - general strategy for developing a integrated mobility plan - design of an integral mobility plan - demand analysis - supply analysis - attractiveness-competitiveness analysis - transport modeling - transport and technology - transport and environment - - transport Chain – logistics (SCM) - choice of investments from a business point of view and from a community perspective the skil see before" "
Funding: retired : no more research fundings expertises for international organizations (world bank, FAO...) and governments
Publication References: see "Orby and OPen Acess" in the website of University of Liège
Contact: see before
Comment: The skills and expertises define herewith are the only ones concerned with COVID-19.

Jean-Michel De Waele, Professor

" French-speaking international network: PoSoc 19. The network will analyze the political and legal recompositions of states and political regimes in the face of Covid 19. Already 170 colleagues from 45 countries on 5 continents participate in this network. "
Funding: Seeking funding
Contact: Jean-Michel De Waele Professeur de science politique CEVIPOL Université Libre de Bruxelles. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Comment: French-speaking international network: PoSoc 19. The network will analyze the political and legal recompositions of states and political regimes in the face of Covid 19. Already 170 colleagues from 45 countries on 5 continents participate in this network. Six workshops: 1 - Multi-level (national, regional and local) anti-pandemic and anti-crisis policies, in their political, economic and social dimensions, taking into account public and private actors and the consequences of these policies (freedoms, public finances, reorganisation of work and services, etc.). 2 -...

Jean-Michel Lafleur, FNRS Research Associate - Vintila Daniela, Doctor - Konstantinidou Angeliki - Wenger Carole - de Heusch Félicien - Mandin Jérémy,

ULiège, Centre for Ethnic and Migration Studies - FNRS
" Protecting the diaspora? COVID-19 and the emergency policy measures of European countries for their citizens residing abroad Abstract: In a context of increased migration and overexposure of mobile individuals to social risks, the social protection of diaspora populations has become an area of concern across Europe. However, there is still substantial variation in how EU Member States respond to the needs of their nationals residing abroad. Such variation is also observed in the emergency measures that European countries have adopted for their non-resident nationals in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic. In the framework of the ERC-funded project "Migration and Transnational Social Protection in Post(Crisis) Europe" (MiTSoPro), researchers from the Centre for Ethnic and Migration Studies of the University of Liege will collect data on EU states' policy (re)actions affecting their diaspora populations, from travel restrictions...

Jean-Paul Coutelier, FNRS Research Director, Professor

UCLouvain - FNRS
" Through partnerships with Universities in South countries, information on available techniques and support to local trainings obtained from several national and international colleagues and platforms will be made available to health services in these institutions. "
Contact: Prof. J.-P. Coutelier de Duve Institute Universite Catholique de Louvain SSS/DDUV - ICP Av. Hippocrate 75, bte B1.74.05 1200 Woluwe-Saint-Lambert Belgique tel 32 2 764 7437 fax 32 2 764 7430 e-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Comment: Support will be provided at the request of health services from South countries and differs therefore from one country to another. Funding is provided by ARES-CCD

Jean-Philippe Platteau, Professor - Vincenzo Verardi, FNRS Research Associate

FNRS, UNamur, Royal Academy of Sciences, Letters and Fine Arts of Belgium
" Modelling the Covid-19 with a view to showing the importance of contact habits for the choice of an appropriate lockdown exit strategy. "
Funding: Own funding
Publication References: "Because Culture Matters, There is No One-Size-Fits-All Strategy of Exit from Cov-19 Lockdown", VoxEU article, London.
Contact: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Comment: Main paper about to be submitted.

Jennifer Denis, PhD in psychology research and teaching associate

" The 2019 coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic is a public health emergency of international concern. Authorities and population are facing a global health crisis which pose a challenge to adapt quickly and effectively. The aim of this preliminary study was to survey the general public in Belgium to better understand their levels of psychological impact, anxiety and stress during the initial stage of containment. The data also explored tips and tricks immediately adopt by the population to manage containment. From 20 March to 28 March 2020, we conducted an online survey using snowball sampling techniques on social network. The online survey collected information on demographic data, stress level in the past 7 days, knowledge and concerns about COVID-19 and the impact of using technologies for taking information and stay connected to others, precautionary measures (tips and tricks) during the beginning of containment, and additional information required with respect to...

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Rue d’Egmont 5

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Tél : +32 2 504 92 11


Brussels & Wallonia against COVID19