Votre navigateur ne supporte pas le javascript Wallonia & Brussels against COVID-19 - Eric Muraille, Docteur en Science, FNRS Senior Research Associate


Eric Muraille, Docteur en Science, FNRS Senior Research Associate

" During the Covid-19 crisis, I participated in a multidisciplinary research group (biology, medicine, economy) whose objective was to define a deconfinement strategy taking into account public health and economic requirements. We have published several articles for policy makers (VOX-EU), scientists (Nature medicine) and the general public (The Conversation). "
Publication References: Rapidly identifying workers who are immune to COVID-19 and virus-free is a priority for restarting the Economy. Dewatripont, M., Muraille, E., Platteau, J.-P., Goldman, M. VOX-CE, 23 March 2020. https://voxeu.org/article/rapidly-identifying-workers-who-are-immune-covid-19-and-virus-free-priority-restarting-economy Preparing for a responsible lockdown exit strategy. Gilbert, M., Dewatripont, M., Muraille, E., Platteau, J.-P., Goldman, M. Nature Médicine, 2020. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41591-020-0871-y Covid-19 : comment une stratégie de doubles tests permettrait de sortir du confinement et de relancer l'économie. Muraille, E., Platteau, J.-P., Dewatripont, M., Goldman, M. The Conversation. 19 avril 2020. https://theconversation.com/covid-19-comment-une-strategie-de-doubles-tests-permettrait-de-sortir-du-confinement-et-de-relancer-leconomie-135397  
Contact: Below my professional website at URBM, UNamur https://www.urbm.be/research-groups/eric-muraille  
Comment: In addition to the articles cited in the reference publications, I have produced several articles and videos for the general public. https://theconversation.com/les-epidemies-sont-inevitables-apprenons-a-les-anticiper-133888 https://theconversation.com/rien-ne-prouve-que-le-coronavirus-a-ete-cree-en-laboratoire-les-dessous-de-linfodemie-sur-le-covid-19-135326  https://theconversation.com/covid-19-comment-une-strategie-de-doubles-tests-permettrait-de-sortir-du-confinement-et-de-relancer-leconomie-135397 https://theconversation.com/covid-19-comment-fonctionnent-les-tests-et-quelles-sont-leurs-utilites-135398 https://theconversation.com/video-de-lemergence-du-virus-a-la-pandemie-de-fake-news-137446 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6_zUyu9hm50 

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Brussels & Wallonia against COVID19