Votre navigateur ne supporte pas le javascript Wallonia & Brussels against COVID-19 - Claude Tomberg, Professor - Sophie Pellon, PHD Student - Claire Drogoz-Villegas, Clinical psychologist


Claude Tomberg, Professor - Sophie Pellon, PHD Student - Claire Drogoz-Villegas, Clinical psychologist

ULB - Royal Academy of Sciences, Letters and Fine Arts of Belgium
" Our study aims to investigate the impact on mental health and well-being of the people during the containment due to COVID-19 pandemic. More specifically some factors are analyzed such as animal ownership and the practice of artistic activities. An online survey was developped including validated psychological scales. "
Funding: Fondation Prince Laurent
Publication References: The results are currently under statistical analysis
Contact : Claude TOMBERG: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Sophie PELLON : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Claire Drogoz-Villegas : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. http://cognit.ulb.be/wordpress/ 
Comment: This research has been accepted by the Ethics committee Erasme Hospital (April 17, 2020)

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Rue d’Egmont 5

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Tél : +32 2 504 92 11


Brussels & Wallonia against COVID19