Votre navigateur ne supporte pas le javascript Wallonia & Brussels against COVID-19 - Elisabeth Paul, Doctor


Elisabeth Paul, Doctor

" I wrote two pieces, one on the difficulty inherent to the evaluation of effects of Covid-19 counter-measures, and one which argues that the crisis calls for a paradigm shift in global health policies towards systemic, preventive, and holitistic health policies "
Publication References: Paul E, Brown GW, Ridde V. COVID-19: time for paradigm shift in the nexus between local, national and global health. BMJ Global Health 2020;5:e002622. Paul E, Ridde V. Évaluer les effets des différentes mesures de lutte contre le Covid-19, mission impossible ? The Conversation, 5 avril 2020 (https://theconversation.com/evaluer-les-effets-des-differentes-mesures-de-lutte-contre-le-covid-19-mission-impossible-135060)
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Brussels & Wallonia against COVID19