Thérèse Van Durme, FNRS Research Associate

UCLouvain - FNRS
" Background Primary care is considered to be an essential component of the health system towards the Quadruple aim (improved health outcomes for people, care processes, efficiency and provider work life). In French-speaking Belgium Primary care is poorly structured. The current Covid-19 epidemic acts as a revealer for the strenghts and weaknesses of primary care. The main research question is: what can we learn about the structuration of primary care, its strenghts and weaknesses, in the context of the current epidemic? We use a qualitative research design. The investigated population si primary care providers (GPs, nurses, dentists, pharmacists, physiotherapists, occupational therapists) who are representing their profession, while having a clinical activity. We hold weekly semi-structured interviews with 10 different profiles of providers while the crisis lasts. We use the systematic reporting of critical events, as perceived by the interviewees, as an entry point to identify the strenghts and weaknesses of primary care. The expected results: a narrative explaining what, how, why and for whom primary care has been strengthened or weakened during this crisis, and draw lessons for a future, strong primary care. "
Funding: Fund Dr. Daniël De Coninck , in the frame of Be.Hive, interdisciplinary chair of primary care. The Fund Dr. De Coninck is managed by the King Baudouin Foundation.
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