Votre navigateur ne supporte pas le javascript Wallonia & Brussels against COVID-19 - Amélie Wuillaume


Amélie Wuillaume

" Disaster events threaten our lives and economies. This paper focuses on the response of individuals and ventures to Covid-19 as an unexpected pandemic. Serious concerns about potential negative externalities are therefore making the front page of the newspapers every day: slowdown in activity, liquidity and solvency problems and bankruptcy. These risks exist. However, in addition to value destruction, such kind of unexpected event might also trigger value creation. In this study, we explore individuals and ventures' development of spontaneous initiatives as a response to Covid-19. Our findings suggest that the conditions of Covid-19 prompted individuals and ventures to show resilience. They adapt and develop initiatives able to create value from adversity. Our study identifies differences in the (a) magnitude, (b) timeline, and (c) kind of value that is created. It also describes specific activities allowing the quick response of these initiatives. Theoretical and practical implications are then discussed. "
Funding: No funding
Publication References: https://www.lalibre.be/debats/opinions/la-resilience-face-a-l-adversite-une-lecon-que-nous-enseignent-nos-entrepreneurs-en-pleine-crise-du-coronavirus-5e74f35dd8ad582f31c576b1 A scientific paper is been prepared for submission
Contact: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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Brussels & Wallonia against COVID19